Reinforced Concrete Tunnel Segment!

Reinforced concrete tunnel segment elements, which are one of the most important components in tunnel construction, must be securely interlocked with high-tech fasteners.

Tunnel Segment Elements

Concrete tunnel segment elements are the most important construction elements used in tunnel constructions. They contribute to factors such as safety, durability and lifetime of the tunnel.

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About Us

Gurbetçiler Plastik Sanayi ve Ticaret ve A. Ş. was founded by our Chairman of the Board of Directors, Erol KÖSTEK, on May 24, 1985 in Pendik-Istanbul. Our company has been maintaining its stable growth for more than 39 years in plastics industry producing more than 1500 products. We have 5 product patents and 3 product utility model certification including 10 registered trademarks which are PASPAYI, KAROAPP, REVAK KÖR KALIP, MONODUCT, TÜNEL SEGMENT, RAYTUT, GEOANKRAJ, NOZUL FİLTRE, YORUM KALIP.

Research, development and continous learning are our company’s basic principles. Our main focus is to create a globally reliable and successful brandname. Our target is to expand our company’s influence from Americas to Australia in all the continents of the world. Our company employs 120 employees and exports its product to more than 60 countries. 60% of our turnover is from export markets.

We clean 4,000 tons plastic waste from nature with our annual production capacity every year.

Each year, we recycle 4,000 tons of plastic waste, contributing to environmental preservation. With our tunnel segment solutions, we continue our eco-conscious production approach, building a cleaner future.

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Certification & Catalog

Öğrenmek, araştırmak, geliştirmek şirketin temel özellikleri arasında yer almaktadır. Başarılı ve güvenilir bir marka olmak hizmetlerinin odak noktasını oluşturmaktadır. Amerika Kıtasından Avustralya ’ya uzanan altı kıtanın tamamında hizmet ağı ile etki alanını dünya geneline yaymaktadır. Bugün şirketimiz Erol Köstek ailesi, emektar yönetim ekibi ve 120 personeli ile 60 ülkeyi aşkın ülkeye aktif ihracat yaparak ülkemize hizmet etmektedir.


Our E-Mail Address

Our Phone Number

0216 595 01 71(5 HAT)

Where are we?

Aydınlı-KOSB Mh. Tuzla Kimya Sanayicileri Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Melek Aras Bulvarı No:41 34953 Tuzla, İstanbul/TÜRKİYE

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